شركة Smart City

شركة مساهمة مصرية مؤسسة طبقا لقانون الاستثمار رقم 8 لسنة 1981 منذ عام 2014 بغرض الأستثمار العقاري و التطوير العمراني ، الرقي والفخامة مرتبطة بصفوة المجتمع خاصة، وربما لا يُدرك البعض معناها إلا أنها تشير إلى مكان مستقل يضم مجموعة من الوحدات السكنية التي تمتاز في الغالب بالفخامة ، الوصول إلى شقة أحلامك أو أي وحدة سكنية أخرى تتمنى العيش فيها أسهل ما يكون مع Smart City

Smart City Business Scope

  • إدارة وتشغيل

    إدارة المشروعات و التسويق العقاري وللوحدات  الأدارية و التجارية و السكنية
    Establishment and management of facilities and distribution networks
    Establishment and management of facilities and distribution networks
    Management and operation of electrical plants, solar power plants, desalination plants
    Management and operation of electrical plants, solar power plants, desalination plants
    Management, maintenance and operation of utility networks and public services

  • إنشاء المشروعات

    It provides all services related to real estate and related investments, starting with the purchase of land, then planning and designing for construction and construction, starting the implementation of the project on the ground, and then applying the shopping plan. The shopping plan for the units and parts of the project

  • تصميمات هندسية

    Architectural, structural and electromechanical designs
    Preparing time schedules, supervising the implementation and engineering management of projects
    Consulting and development of new urban communities

  • تسويق عقاري

    Real estate marketing for the company's residential and coastal projects
    Marketing units of projects for the largest developers in the real estate market, including the following:
    (Siccon Company / Sikon Project) (Inertia Company / Inertia Project) (International Protocol Company / Protocol Project) (SODIC Company / SODIC Project) (Better Home Company / Better Home Project) (Tatweer Misr Company / Tatweer Misr Project) (Mountain Company View / Mountain View Project) (Misr Italia Company / Misr Italia Project) (Taj Company / Taj Misr Project) (Misr Al-Ashraf Company / Al-Ashraf Architecture Project) and others

  • دراسة المشروعات

    You do a study of the projects and the architectural and construction design drawings and calculate the costs accurately, then we modify the design in order to ensure the quality of the work and to obtain the greatest amount of savings that does not prejudice the design and obtain engineering approvals from the competent authorities

  • المهندسين الإستشاريين

    It includes a selection of specialized consultant engineers to ensure the highest quality in design and implementation, as well as a selection of professional marketers to obtain the best results in the shopping campaigns.